DICOM Online Image Viewer

3D medical viewer (VTK)


A 3D medical viewer built with vtk-js that supports volume rendering with multiple presets and marching cubes.


Demo Sample
Demo2 Sample
Demo3 Sample

Implementation Details

Thought Process

First we started by the design we need to accomplish. And this is the final result as below.

Design Sample

Then our thought process was like that.

  • Only make head marching cubes example work.
  • Only make ray casting example work.
  • Adding ray casting and volume rendring to ImageCroppingWidget
  • Making a stateful control panel to control each wiget.
  • Adding the adjustable transfer function.
  • Adding some prests for color maps.


After that we started the implementation with the help of the provided examples in the docs.

The core function in the appliction is the switching between rendering actors which we control via an option box and the event attached to it is as follow.

document.getElementById('examples-menu').addEventListener('change', function () {
    const croppingControl = document.querySelector('#cropping-control');
    const isoControl = document.querySelector('#iso-control');
    const rayTransferenceControl = document.querySelector('#ray-transfer-function');
    const presetsControl = document.querySelector('#presets-menu');

    if (this.value == "RAY_CASTING"){
        isoControl.style.visibility = 'hidden';
        croppingControl.style.visibility = 'visible';
        rayTransferenceControl.style.visibility = 'visible';
        presetsControl.style.visibility = 'visible';
    if (this.value == "MARCHING_CUBES"){
        isoControl.style.visibility = 'visible';
        croppingControl.style.visibility = 'hidden';
        presetsControl.style.visibility = 'hidden';
        rayTransferenceControl.style.visibility = 'hidden';

The renderHead function is used to load and render the marching cubes with the head data set

async function renderHead() {
    try {

        await headReaderSource.setUrl("https://kitware.github.io/vtk-js/data/volume/headsq.vti")
        await headReaderSource.loadData();


        initSliderEventListener(dataRange, firstIsoValue);



The renderChest function is used to load and render the ray casting with the chest data set

async function renderChest() {
    try {

        await chestReaderSource.setUrl('https://kitware.github.io/vtk-js/data/volume/LIDC2.vti');
        await chestReaderSource.loadData();
        initSliderEventListener(dataRange, firstIsoValue);

Issues we tackled

1. Migration from vtk.js to @kitware/vtk.js

At the first try after node setup we have tried the cone example which is the default example in the vanilla js guide for vtk, every thing worked perfectly but when we tried to run any other example every thing crashed. Then we noticed that the imports are different which caused these problems. We fixed them using the migration guide from here migration-guide. It seems that all the examples in the docs have that issue except the cone one.

2. Loading examples data

Most the examples in the docs uses a __BASE_PATH__ which is probably an environment variable. We did some search an find out some data links like this one chest-data which we can use instead.

3. The reader type (XML, HTTP)

After figuring out the data links we faced another problem that some links return json data and others returns the actual data file. After digging into github issues we found that we need vtkXMLImageDataReader instead of vtkHttpDataSetReader in case of data file How to load local .vti file.

4. Merging the examples together with only one rederingWindow and one renderer

When we added the marching cubes with the ray casting in on rederingWindow we find that the 2 actors added on top of each other so we searched how to clear the rederingWindow before adding another actor and we found th soultion here with removeAllViewProps

5. Controlling the container of the rendering window

We were using the vtkFullScreenRenderWindow but to add the control panel and control the postion of the window we switched to vtkGenericRenderWindow instead

6. Adding the control panel as sidebar

The control panel to be shown as a sidebar we used a flex box with column-direction

Yasien Ghalwash
Yasien Ghalwash
Machine Learning Engineer

My research interests include Machine Learning , Deep Learning and Computer-Aided Systems.